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5 Reasons You Have an Ant Problem


Ants are never something you want to see in your home, and unfortunately, infestations are mostly unavoidable. Sealing off your home completely is hard because ants are so small, they can squeeze through the tiniest of holes or cracks. But knowing why ants are getting into your home the first step in getting rid of them. Keep reading this article from your the pros at Bug Bombers to learn five likely reasons you're dealing with ant infestations in your home.

1. You're Leaving Food Out In The Open

Ants need food and water to survive, just like every other living thing. They spend most of their lives looking for easy access to food, and the juicy peaches in your fruit bowl are likely one of their favorites. Kitchens are one of the most infestation-prone rooms in your home because they contain the food that ants are looking for. Fortunately, this is an easy problem to fix. Try to keep your fruit in the fridge and clean your kitchen often, especially after cooking, when food spills are fresh. Want a pest control hack? Put bay leaves in containers that contain dry foods-- bay leaves have a smell that most ants hate!

2. Your Surfaces Are Greasy

While it's a less obvious problem, greasy surfaces in your kitchen are another thing that attract ants. Whether it's bacon grease on the stove or syrup on the counter after a pancake breakfast, these things and more encourage ants to visit your kitchen. Be sure to wipe down your cooking surfaces once you're done using them so there's nothing left behind to attract these tiny pests. It's also smart to make sure honey bottles, jam jars, and other containers holding sugary substances are clean.

3. Your Garbage Is Sticky

If you don't regularly rinse out your garbage cans, you're creating a prime environment for ants to post up. Ants don't care much where their food comes from and will absolutely take a dive into your garbage can to get some sugar from a soda bottle or leftover jelly from your kid's pb&j. Remember to clean your garbage cans regularly, especially in the kitchen, and rinse out food container waste before you throw it away.

4. You've Got Leaky Faucets

Ants need reliable water sources just as much as they need food, and if your sinks or toilets have leaks, they're the perfect water holes for ants. Even the smallest puddle of water is a lake for tiny ants! Check your bathroom and kitchen water sources regularly to make sure they're working the way they should with no leaks. Ants won't participate in paying for the water bill.

5. Your Home Contains Decaying Wood

Moist, decaying wood is the perfect space for some ant species to make a home, especially if you live in an older house. Heavy rain or even leaky pipes can affect the wood in and around your home and give ants a warm invite. Replacing any rotted wood in your home and moving damp branches or logs from your yard will help keep ants away, as well as other wood-loving pests like termites.

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